termo e condição


This website is owned by Aramis Lease with tax identification number 515 367 478 , with registered office at: Rua Amoreirinha nº1, 1º Drt 6000-118 Castelo Branco , Portugal.
Tel: (+351) 924 367 691
E-mail: info@aramislease.pt
The website’s Publications Director is José Manuel Palma

Updates are provided by ARAMIS LEASE

If you have any suggestions, information or comments about this site, please write to the webmaster at info@aramislease.pt.


Site content

This site cannot guarantee the accuracy of all the information it contains. However, the editor will endeavor to provide accurate and up-to-date information and to correct any errors brought to his attention.


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Pursuant to article 27 of the law of February 6, 1978 on the protection of personal data, amended by law no. 2004-801 of August 6, 2004 and law no. 2016-1321 of October 7, 2016, you have the right to change or delete the data concerning you. To this end, you can notify us at any time at the following address: info@aramislease.pt


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The law applicable to this Site and its legal notices is French law.